Empower Clients Through IT
IT Training, Staffing and IT Services Provider
Data researcher needs to pre-process the large data before they visualize the data and/or find the data patterns, based on data patterns they perform data predictions. Using Java, Python and R programming language, Analyst can write custom user define functions and perform ETL Jobs. Programming skill help students to automate the data cleansing, processing and transformation logic.
Course Content
Java - Programming
Introduction to Programming
Variable, Data Types
Complex Data Types
Conditional Statement (IF, Switch)
Loops (For, While, Do While)
File I/O
Java Util
UML [Unified Modeling Language]
OOP Concepts [Object Oriented Programming]
JDBC [Java Database Connection]

R - Programming
R for Data Analysis will introduce you to data manipulation in R programming. You will learn about analysis, manipulating data and grouping it to prepare the data. You will also learn how to take data you prepared and present it on visualizations.
Vector creation
Data types and Structures
Data Statistics
Data Frame
Programming Structures, Functions, and Data Relationships
R Functions
Linear Programming
Data Analysis
Exploring and Visualizing Data
Python - Programming
Python is a general-purpose programming language that is becoming more and more popular for doing data science. Companies worldwide are using Python to harvest insights from their data and get a competitive edge. Unlike any other Python tutorial, this course focuses on Python specifically for data science.
Data Types
String operations
Control Statements
File operations
NumPy functions
SciPy functions
Pandas functions
Graphics functions
Staffing Support
Resume Preparation
Mock Interview Preparation
Phone Interview Preparation
Face to Face Interview Preparation
Project/Technology Preparation
Internship with internal project work
Externship with client project work
Our Salient Features:
Hands-on Labs and Homework
Group discussion and Case Study
Course Project work
Regular Quiz / Exam
Regular support beyond the classroom
Students can re-take the class at no cost
Dedicated conf. rooms for group project work
Live streaming for the remote students
Video recording capability to catch up the missed class