Empower Clients Through IT
IT Training, Staffing and IT Services Provider
DevOps Module
Course Description
This course prepares learners for a career in DevOps. Devops is a fast-growing field that brings Development and Operations team together to continuously build, integrate and deploy software. Students will use modern DevOps tools to learn principles of CI/CD, automation and configuration management and inter team collaboration with hands on labs.
Course Content
1. DevOps – Theory and Concepts
DevOps culture
Overview of DevOps tools and technologies
DevOps methodology
DevOps practices
Tenets of DevOps
2. Version control using GIT
Introduction to Source code version control systems
Distributed Version control using Git and GitHub
Setting up a Source code repository
Git Commands to manage artifacts – in it, clone, commit, push, pull.
Creating and managing multiple versions of source files
Effective branching strategies
Creating and managing branches using git
Implementing effective review process using git
3. Continuous integration using Jenkins
Introduction to continuous integration
Overview of Jenkins architecture
Setting up Jenkins for continuous integration
Create pipeline for deploying application from source code repository.
Setting up security in Jenkins
Automatic build, test and deployment using Jenkins.
Handling application build and deployment failures in Jenkins CI
Project for CI
4. Application containerization using Docker
Introduction to containerization
Role of containerized apps in DevOps
Overview and architecture of Docker containerization platform
Installing Docker
Basic docker commands
Key docker objects
Building docker images and creating containers
Steps to containerize application using docker.
Provisioning and managing container storage.
Automating docker image builds in CI pipeline.
Group Project
5. Managing continuous deployment using Kubernetes
Introduction to continuous deployment
Overview of Kubernetes architecture
Installing Kubernetes
Configuring Kubernetes
Key concepts – Contexts, namespaces, pods
Workflow for container deployments
High level abstractions – Deployments, Replica Sets and Services
Performing Rolling updates of application
Blue / Green deployment strategy for ITSM

6. Managing continuous deployment using Kubernetes and Helm charts
Managing environment using Kubernetes secrets
Managing storage in Kubernetes using mount volumes
Introduction and Overview of Helm charts
Structural differences between Kubernetes and helm charts
Installing helm charts
Basic commands for managing deployed versions using helm charts.
Creating templates with parameters
Supplying values to helm chart at the time of deployment.
Creating helm repo for managing continuous deployments
7. Monitoring infrastructure using Prometheus and Grafana
Overview of infrastructure monitoring
Importance of events and alerts in proactive monitoring
Introduction to Prometheus
Installing Prometheus
Feature and architecture of Prometheus
Setting up monitoring for containers
Understanding data model
Configuring and discovery
Using Prometheus Query Language
Installing and configuring Grafana
Setting up infrastructure dashboards in Grafana
Setting up alerts in Grafana
8. DevOps in Cloud environments
Overview of Cloud
Introduction to Cloud services (Azure)
Overview of Azure DevOps
Setting up Project dashboard in Azure
Integrating/setting git repositories in Azure
Configuring CI pipelines in Azure
Using Azure collaboration services
Overview and importance of ITSM/ITIL
Staffing Support
Resume Preparation
Mock Interview Preparation
Phone Interview Preparation
Face to Face Interview Preparation
Project/Technology Preparation
Internship with internal project work
Externship with client project work
Our Salient Features:
Hands-on Labs and Homework
Group discussion and Case Study
Course Project work
Regular Quiz / Exam
Regular support beyond the classroom
Students can re-take the class at no cost
Dedicated conf. rooms for group project work
Live streaming for the remote students
Video recording capability to catch up the missed class