Empower Clients Through IT
IT Training, Staffing and IT Services Provider
Our history has geared up to embark on a journey of innovation In this new world of data modernization which is rapidly mounting
It takes the form of complicated fabric of corporate, web, public and premium data.
For all this abundance of data, it's unfortunately never been harder to turn data into action. The amount of data in our world has been exploding, and analyzing large data sets—so-called big data—will become a key basis of competition, underpinning new waves of productivity growth, innovation, and consumer surplus Businesses today want more insight from ever more diverse sources of data. The days of simple analytics on well-structures internal data are over. ITEXPS Software helps companies to amalgamate data from any sources. ITEXPS Software delivers an nimble Big Data integration platform for managing critical data from incongruent sources.
It's an exciting time. We're new, but we're reputable, and we're geared up to transform the way you value and leverage Big Data.
What Hadoop Decipher?
It is approximated that 80% of all data that exists is unstructured, meaning that it is raw and unorganized. Unstructured data comes from distinct sources. But until that data is organized into a structured format, it cannot be a foundation of useful information. Hadoop has increasingly become a popular preference to process, systematize and stock up huge volumes of semi structured and unstructured data, thereby making it suitable for data mining and business analytics purposes.
Hadoop is not a single product, but a collection of applications that make up a software framework designed to run scattered applications across clusters of commodity server hardware. Hadoop does this by breaking up (mapping) big programming tasks into smaller discreet jobs that can be spread out among several computers, and then consolidating (reducing) all of the various computer results into a single result set.
ITEXPS Software automates Hadoop installation and management with a Big Data solution that is designed to meet the operational needs of the business enterprise. The ITEXPS Software addresses four specific areas of need for the enterprise, including security, high availability, performance, and manageability.
ITEXPS Software is not a Hadoop distribution, but operates as an independent management layer that sits on top of any Hadoop distribution. ITEXPS Software automates, accelerates, and simplifies Hadoop installation and cluster management for Big Data deployments within the enterprise, delivering faster time to value.